How press placements can amplify your press releases

Don't just send out press releases and hope for the best, let Empirix Membership help you secure press placements in industry-specific and authoritative publications to amplify the reach and impact of your news.

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Bella Farin
March 11, 2024
woman looking at sky

As a business owner or marketer, you know the importance of getting your press releases in front of the right audience. But simply sending out a press release and hoping for the best is not enough. To truly amplify the reach and impact of your press releases, you need to secure press placements in industry-specific and authoritative publications. That's where Empirix Membership comes in.

The Power of Press Placements

Press placements are a powerful way to increase the visibility and credibility of your press releases. When your press release is published in well-known publications, it instantly gains credibility and reaches a wider audience. Press placements can help you:

  1. Expand your reach: By securing press placements in industry-specific publications, you can reach a targeted audience that is most likely to be interested in your news and updates.
  2. Build credibility: Being featured in authoritative publications establishes your business as a trusted source of information and increases your credibility among your target audience.
  3. Drive traffic and leads: Press placements can drive traffic back to your website and generate leads for your business. When readers come across your press release in a trusted publication, they are more likely to visit your website and take action.
  4. Improve SEO: Press placements can also have a positive impact on your search engine optimization (SEO). When your press release is published on reputable websites with high domain authority, it can help boost your own website's rankings in search engine results.

Empirix Membership: Your Path to Press Placements

Empirix Membership offers a unique and effective way to secure press placements for your press releases. With a tailored list of press opportunities sent directly to your inbox once a month, Empirix Membership makes it easy to find the right publications for your news. Here's how it works:

  1. Join the community: Sign up for Empirix Membership and provide details about your business and unique needs. This information helps us curate press opportunities that are relevant to your industry and brand.
  2. Review your Spotlight list: Once a month, we'll share a list of press opportunities curated specifically for you. These opportunities are handpicked based on your category and brand, ensuring a perfect fit for your news.
  3. Select your Spotlight: When you come across a press opportunity that aligns with your brand and goals, you can select and pay for that Spotlight. We'll guide you through a short interview to gather the necessary information to write your feature.
  4. Review and approve content: We'll share a draft of your feature with you, giving you the opportunity to review and make any necessary changes. Once you're happy with the final version, you'll approve the content for publication.
  5. Enjoy your published content: Your Spotlight will be published in the selected publication, complete with direct links to your platforms and indexing on search engines. This ensures maximum visibility and impact for your press release.
  6. Amplify: To further amplify the reach of your press release, we'll provide you with custom social media assets that you can use to promote your feature on your own social media channels.

Empirix Membership vs. Traditional PR

Empirix Membership offers a unique approach to PR that is different from traditional PR agencies or publicists. Here's how Empirix Membership compares to other ways of doing PR:

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With Empirix Membership, you have control over which press opportunities you pursue and pay for. You can choose to focus on industry-specific publications that align with your target audience and goals. And with access to top-tier publications like NBC News, New York Post, Forbes, USA Today, and Entrepreneur, you can be confident that your press releases will reach a wide and influential audience.

What Empirix Membership Members Say

Don't just take our word for it. Here's what some of our satisfied Empirix Membership members have to say:

  • "We loved being able to pick and choose when we got published. Our annual press planning has never been easier!" - Johnny A
  • "I fired my publicist and haven't looked back. I get more opportunities from Empirix than I ever got from them.” - Fred B
  • "We didn't think we'd find much relevance, but that couldn't be further from the reality. The suggested Spotlights are always on point for us!" - Dave W

Get Started with Empirix Membership

If you're ready to amplify your press releases and secure press placements in top publications, it's time to join Empirix Membership. Sign up now for free and get access to a tailored list of press opportunities sent directly to your inbox once a month. With Empirix Membership, you'll only pay for the placements you want, ensuring a cost-effective and targeted approach to PR.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your reach, build credibility, and drive traffic to your website. Join Empirix Membership today and unlock the power of press placements for your press releases.